I reached out to the following organizations to partner with me for the book launch events, and they said yes. I think they're great, and I think you will too. They share my mission to empower parent caregivers and disabled individuals with understandable, useable information and resources.

Looking for great resources?

  • Apex Social Group


    Wait, childcare for kids with disabilities? It actually exists? It does. Apex specializes in families like ours, with live-in care professionals who make all of this possible. And by "all of this," I mean "writing a book." Try writing a book without appropriate support for a kid who requires constant care. I did. I failed. So, I called Apex ...

  • Friendship Circle Pacific Palisades

    Looking for a community where your kiddo is fully embraced as they are, with peer support, parent resources, and genuine fun? Welcome to Friendship Circle Pacific Palisades. When I first talked to them, I was a little teary-eyed when we talked about their views on inclusion, community, and meaningful friendships for kids with disabilities. Lots of great programs, lots of great people.

  • We Are Brave Together

    Do you really need to connect with other caregiving moms? Way more than you realize. The We Are Brave Together moms are the sort of people you'd be friends with outside of this parenting thing. They rock.

  • JTC Photography

    Yes, all the underwater photos on this site are real. Thanks to Jennifer. She's amazing. She can take your photos on land too. The ones here are hers too. And, yes, that's a real laptop. Long story. Backup your files.